Sunday 30 December 2012

Preliminary Task example

            I have been reserching examples of Preliminary Tasks from other schools made by AS students. This example showed the techniques and aspects we need to include in our preliminary task. I specifically liked their task as they showed good continuity and a varied number of angles. The non diegetic fast paced sound used, links quite well to the pace of the editing and the storyline in this task. It almost sounds like a James Bond type of soundtrack. The camera movement used in the task works very well with the abrupt movement and manic state of the boy, shown from 0:50-0:55. In our preliminary task i hope to use interesting shots and angles as shown in this example to convey our storyline. 

Friday 28 December 2012

Thinking Outside The Box: Foreign Expectations Of A Thriller!

Being a BBC ( British born Chinese) and being highly influenced with oriental media, I thought it would be influential to look at foreign thriller movies and how they tackle the genre.

Old Boy (2003)    

Old Boy is a Korean thriller about Oh Dae-Su who is kidnapped and imprisoned for 15 years, he is finally released to which he has to find his kidnapper within 5 days. What I like about this movie is the sense of mystery and enigma it brings to the audience. What I liked about the beginning of the movie is the use of a flashback, switching from the present to the past to slowly reveal the narrative. At fist sight, it gives a complex insight to what happened to him, which us as the audience are immediately confused and a series of questions are bought up. The impression of it knowing, the lack of knowledge and information is what I think makes this a successful action thriller. The sense of suspense, thrill, adrenaline and action create a tense atmosphere when watching. It's different to the typical mainstream thriller in the sense that the villain isn't who a generic villain would be. This South Korean thriller is so successful that there is going to be an American remake of the movie with Spike Lee directing it.   

Monday 17 December 2012